To the chosen women of Israel, the heralds of Christ’s Resurrection, celebrating Christ’s Pascha, let us cry out with joy: Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
You appeared as righteous Myrrh-Bearing Women, enlightened by angels and enlightening mankind, counting the beautiful things of the world as nothing and leaving your homes to follow the Son of Man, who had nowhere to lay His head. For this we praise you thus: Rejoice, you who likened yourselves to the wise evangelical virgins. Rejoice, you who went out to meet the Bridegroom at the right time. Rejoice, you who took your oil in vessels with your lamps. Rejoice, you who lightly slumbered due to the weaknesses of our flesh. Rejoice, you who heard the midnight cry: Behold, the Bridegroom comes. Rejoice, you who betrothed yourselves to the Fairest among the sons of men. Rejoice, you who entered His chamber for the marriage with Him. Rejoice, faithful servants in small deeds. Rejoice, crowned with great glory in heaven by Him. Rejoice, you who brought fragrant myrrh to Christ. Rejoice, you who were anointed with the oil of grace by Him. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Seeing how the Mother of Jesus served Her Most Holy Son and God, listening sweetly to His words, at times weaving a seamless tunic, at other times interceding for the people about wine in Cana of Galilee, these sincere women emulated Her pure life and love, serving the Lord with all their possessions and singing to Him: Alleluia.
Enlightening the minds of pious women, Solomon spoke in his proverbs that a wise woman builds her house. But we call out to you, God-wise builders of the heavenly city, with love thus: Rejoice, zealous companions of the Mother of God. Rejoice, you who obediently heeded Her words. Rejoice, you who were guided by Her most holy way of life. Rejoice, Her most sincere ones, led by the Queen to the King. Rejoice, you who kept a pure life according to the Lord’s commandments. Rejoice, you who adorned not the outward body but the inward soul. Rejoice, you who revealed the beauty of the hidden heart of man. Rejoice, you who preserved the incorruption of a meek and silent spirit. Rejoice, you who humbly hoped in the Lord. Rejoice, you who even now do good to all in every way. Rejoice, you who fed the hungry and washed the feet of strangers. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
The power of the Most High gave you strength, though in weak vessels, to resist the cunning snares of the prince of the air. Therefore, remembering your courageous endurance, especially revealed at Golgotha when the apostles, overcome with fear, abandoned their Teacher, while you did not deny the Lord, we sing with you to Him: Alleluia.
Having love strong as death, you fiery-loving women were not intimidated by the harsh assembly of the Jews nor the Roman military leaders! Knowing that great waters cannot quench spiritual love, nor deep rivers drown it, we glorify you thus: Rejoice, truth-loving witnesses of Christ’s sufferings. Rejoice, you who sympathized with the Crucified Lord with all your heart. Rejoice, you who wept and lamented bitterly for Him. Rejoice, you who warmly comforted the Most Pure Mother at His Cross. Rejoice, you who did not turn away from the Sun of Righteousness when the sun darkened at noon. Rejoice, you whose faith did not waver when the earthquake struck. Rejoice, you who did not lose your love for the Crucified when the earth moved. Rejoice, you who inherited Sarah’s blessing for this faith. Rejoice, you who, like Rebecca by Jacob, were beloved by the Lord for this love. Rejoice, you who emulated Leah’s fruitful good deeds. Rejoice, you who acquired Rachel’s grace through holy chastity. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Having within a storm of doubtful thoughts, those passing by who saw Jesus crucified mocked Him, wagging their heads, but you, wise virgins, gazing at the Lord of glory, though hanging on the Cross, cried out to Him with all your heart: Alleluia.
Hearing the high priests with the scribes, elders, and Pharisees mocking, saying: He saved others, but He cannot save Himself, the holy Myrrh-Bearing Women prayed for the world to Him who was crucified, that He might save the sinning people. Thus, blessing your faith, we praise you thus: Rejoice, like Samuel’s mother, intoxicated not with wine but with sorrow. Rejoice, like the prophetess Miriam, singing Christ’s victory over death. Rejoice, like the widow of Zarephath, full of faith and obedience. Rejoice, like the companions of Jephthah’s daughter, honoring honest marriage. Rejoice, you who gloriously praised the Ever-Virgin with the holy virgins. Rejoice, like Judith, crushing the spiritual Holofernes, the devil. Rejoice, like Esther, overthrowing the bold Haman, the prince of darkness. Rejoice, you who rivaled the Maccabean mother and her children in righteousness. Rejoice, you who kept the Lord’s commandments even in sorrows. Rejoice, you who, though afflicted even unto death, lawfully kept the Sabbath. Rejoice, you who tempered your sorrow for the dead Christ with the hope of faith. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Seeing the God-murdering deeds of an evil and ungrateful people, the Myrrh-Bearing Women were horrified, covering their faces like seraphim and crying out to God: Alleluia.
Seeing the spear with which one of the soldiers pierced the Savior’s side, the Myrrh-Bearing Women groaned bitterly, watching from afar. At Jesus’ Cross stood His Mother, His Mother’s sister Mary of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene, washing themselves with tears. Thus, bowing before the Precious Cross, we praise you thus: Rejoice, you who stood in awe before the Most Pure Body taken down from the tree. Rejoice, you who followed noble Joseph and Nicodemus. Rejoice, you who saw the Tomb and the laying of Christ’s Body therein. Rejoice, you who sat opposite the Tomb, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. Rejoice, you who mourned the Sun that set in the tomb and saw Him again. Rejoice, faithful women of Galilee and Jerusalem. Rejoice, you who valiantly did not abandon the living Lord. Rejoice, you who brought myrrh to Jesus, the dead, as though He were alive. Rejoice, you who richly likened the Magi bringing myrrh. Rejoice, you who glorified Christ with the shepherds and angels. Rejoice, you who worshipped the Lord buried in the tomb cave with faith. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
You appeared as God-bearing preachers, holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, for Christ God deigned to enlighten you with the light of His Resurrection when He appeared to you, saying: Rejoice! Filled with great grace, you cried out to Him: Alleluia.
You, God-wise women, proclaim Him who shone forth from the Tomb even to this day, having been deemed worthy of the angelic appearance. Thus, having seen Christ’s Resurrection, we join you in song, saying: Rejoice, you who ran to the Tomb, preparing spices and myrrh. Rejoice, you who emulated in love the woman who anointed the Lord’s feet. Rejoice, you who warmly washed His burial cloths with tears. Rejoice, you who zealously followed Mary who poured myrrh on His head. Rejoice, reverent participants in the Lord’s burial. Rejoice, God-chosen preachers of Christ’s Resurrection. Rejoice, you who were amazed and awestruck by the angelic words. Rejoice, you who quickly turned your trembling and fear into joy. Rejoice, honorable companions of Christ’s apostles. Rejoice, co-servants of the Lord’s holy angels. Rejoice, you who enlightened the whole earth with the preaching of Christ’s Resurrection. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Desiring to quickly comfort His disciples, Jesus met them, saying: Rejoice! And they, approaching, took hold of His feet and worshipped Him. With them, we too cry out to Him: Alleluia.
The New Jerusalem now rejoices and Zion is glad, receiving the good news of the Myrrh-Bearers. Therefore, let us praise in song the most excellent Mary Magdalene, the blessed Joanna, wife of Chuza, and Salome, mother of the sons of thunder, thus: Rejoice, you who fulfilled the Lord’s command. Rejoice, you who did not require greater understanding from Christ. Rejoice, you who received God’s grace with joy and love. Rejoice, you who were gladdened with paradisiacal joy by the Savior of the world. Rejoice, humble handmaids of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice, unfading stars of the early Christian sky. Rejoice, silent sheep pastured by the Good Shepherd. Rejoice, lilies of the field blooming in the Church’s meadow. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Seeing the wondrous appearance of Christ and thinking Him a gardener, she asked Him about the body of Jesus. But hearing the Lord’s call: Mary!, naming her, she cried out fervently: Rabboni! And we cry to Him: Alleluia.
The entire apostolic assembly did not believe your good news, O light-bearing women. But we, marveling at the appearance of the Risen One to you, praise you thus: Rejoice, righteous fulfillment of the Old Testament women. Rejoice, firstborn daughters of Christ’s Church. Rejoice, steadfast keepers of Moses’ commandments. Rejoice, ignited lamps of Christian freedom. Rejoice, you who sought Him wrapped in a shroud among the dead. Rejoice, you who proclaimed the most honorable Pascha to the whole world. Rejoice, you who confessed together the destruction of Hades. Rejoice, you who always celebrated the slaying of death. Rejoice, daughters receiving the favor of the Heavenly Father. Rejoice, disciples of Christ, good companions of His ascension to the Father. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Every tribe on earth was freed from death by the power of the Resurrection of Christ the Life-giver, whom the God-wise women brightly proclaimed. Thus, magnifying Him who trampled death by death, we cry out to Him with you: Alleluia.
The eloquent fell silent and understanding failed, but your proclamation of Christ’s Resurrection never fades. Believing this unquestionable word, we divinely praise you thus: Rejoice, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, most wondrous virgins. Rejoice, Susanna and Mary of Joses, blessed women. Rejoice, Joanna and Salome, mother of Zebedee’s sons. Rejoice, Mary of James and Mary of Cleopas with the other companions. Rejoice, tireless voices proclaiming Christ’s Resurrection. Rejoice, diligent feet traversing Judea and the Roman Empire. Rejoice, hardworking hands honoring the early Christian Church. Rejoice, attentive ears unafraid of evil rumors. Rejoice, vigilant eyes foreseeing every temptation. Rejoice, purified hearts loving God’s Law more than gold. Rejoice, holy bodies made temples of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Desiring to save all nations, You endured crucifixion, O Christ God, and destroyed the power of Hades, saying to the Myrrh-Bearing Women: Rejoice! By death and corruption You raised us, that all might cry: Alleluia.
The walls of the tomb cave trembled when the angel approached and rolled the stone from the entrance. The holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, seeing this, ran quickly to announce Christ’s Resurrection to His disciples. With zeal and joy, we sing to the blessed heralds thus: Rejoice, you who overcame fear in your hearts with faith and love. Rejoice, you who obeyed the angelic voice and ceased from tears. Rejoice, good and faithful disciples who entered into the joy of the Lord. Rejoice, spotless partakers of the everlasting Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, festively clothed in the splendor of incorruption. Rejoice, you who partook of the new fruit of the vine, the Kingdom of God. Rejoice, women who lived in the world yet sought not its myrrh. Rejoice, vessels of mercy prepared for God’s glory. Rejoice, beloved servants who labored diligently for the Lord. Rejoice, our sisters and mothers, warmly praying for us. Rejoice, strong in hope, bearing the weaknesses of the weak. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
Angelic singing and human words praise the all-festive Pascha, in which even creation was freed from the bondage of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Together with the Myrrh-Bearing Women, we cry to Christ: Alleluia.
This radiant and saving night was proclaimed by the Myrrh-Bearing Women, needing neither lamp nor sunlight, for the Lord Himself illumines it. Holding your words in our hearts, we magnify you thus: Rejoice, you who fervently loved Christ. Rejoice, you who appeared foolish for God before the apostles. Rejoice, you who were not ashamed of the Lord Jesus in this age. Rejoice, you who were confessed by the Savior before His angels. Rejoice, leafy gardens planted by the Heavenly Father. Rejoice, sweet fruit of the Immortal Vine. Rejoice, mustard seeds zealously growing the Kingdom of God. Rejoice, lilies of the field and trees bearing radiant fruit. Rejoice, all-night lamps of the Spirit that do not fade. Rejoice, you who offer prayers like incense from a censer. Rejoice, you who always lift your holy hands to God. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
You received the grace of serving Christ’s Church, O humble-minded women, glorified together. Knowing that if there is anything good or beautiful, it is for brethren to dwell together, we say to God who gathered you as one: Alleluia.
Singing Christ’s Resurrection, which renews the human race, you, holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, were deemed worthy of salvation with one heart and mind. Thus we magnify you thus: Rejoice, good instructors of chaste virgins. Rejoice, wondrous counselors of pious women. Rejoice, you who meet in heaven the honorable elderly women who departed in faith. Rejoice, you who did not abandon the Lord Christ in afflictions. Rejoice, you who warmly emulated the prayer of the Canaanite woman. Rejoice, you who rejoiced honorably in the widow’s mite. Rejoice, faithful witnesses of the bleeding woman. Rejoice, you who rejoiced angel-like at the raising of Jairus’ daughter. Rejoice, you who blessed the Lord with the widow of Nain. Rejoice, sacred companions of Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus. Rejoice, radiant Myrrh-Bearing Women, who served the Lord with love.
O holy Myrrh-Bearing Women! Blessed are your eyes that first saw the Risen Christ, blessed are your hands that touched His most pure feet, blessed are your hearts that loved the Lord, for he who abides in love abides in God. Pray also for us, your children, that we too may run with joyful feet after Christ our God, glorifying His holy Resurrection together with you: Alleluia.
O holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, all-praised disciples of Christ! To you we, sinful and unworthy, now fervently turn and pray with contrite hearts. You loved the Sweetest Lord Jesus above all earthly blessings and followed Him well throughout your lives, nourishing your souls with His divine teaching and grace, and leading many people to Christ’s wondrous light. Ask for us from Christ God the grace that enlightens and sanctifies us, that, overshadowed by it, we may prosper in faith and piety, in labors of love and self-denial, and strive diligently to serve Christ in His neighbors. O holy women! Having vigilantly lived your earthly lives by God’s grace and joyfully departed to the heavenly abodes, you hastened there. Pray, therefore, to Christ the Savior, that He may grant us to complete our earthly pilgrimage in this fleeting age without stumbling, and to end our lives in peace and repentance, so that, having lived in holiness on earth, we may be deemed worthy of eternal and blessed life in heaven, and there with you and all the saints together praise the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity and sing to the one Divinity, the Father and the Son and the All-Holy Spirit, and truly partake of God’s grace in the unending day of His Kingdom forever and ever. Amen.